PreAlpha 3.0, Big Update

As the fist major update it brings many many fixes and features the game needed.
Now that this update is finished the progress in the next months will most likely slow down, since I'll be participating in the 5th Historical Game Jam and are kinda unmotivated working on Delirium.
Concluding, with this update I'm finally somewhat proud of what I created here.
The future of this Game:
The future will most likely depend on two factors
- Will this game receive somewhat of a audience, meaning a few downloads
- will I have any motivation working on it in the future
The're will almost certaynly still come one update, but I'm unsure about further ones.
Future things that may be coming:
- the two empty books in the shelf finally written
- finalizing the battlee system with elements, more attacks and more
- making the expeditions look more and function as good as the 3rd one is currently
- ........
New Additions:
First there are many new additions such as a shop or a 3rd Expedition. But my main focus of this update was to make the things already in the game more fleshed out instead of adding an endless amount of new one, since there aren't as many as you'd expect
- the protagonist has footsteps sounds added to him depending on which surfcace he's on
- option to light a torch on expeditions by pressing the "L"-Key
- house door makes sound and plays animations when entering from outside
- simple trail added to the ball attack
- added a jingle to the death screen
- the last book special herbs is now final completely ready
- Every item in the game now has a specific price attributed to it which will be used in the shop
- the pause menu now comes in and out with an animation instead of justt showing and unshowing itself
- new boot screen from dimensiluar, als used as the main art to promite this game
- protagonist now goes down to the ground when farming materials
- the time you survived will now be displayed on the deathscreen, the days and hours to be exact, calculated using the unix standard time
- the game can now be paused from every part of the game
- added small but cute animation and sound when setting pin in the world
- 3rd Expedition, a sandy environmnent with a constant sandstorm
- the rendering on the house scene gets now supported with Ysort meaning it adds the effect if an object is higher on the y-Axis it gets rendered behind and if below infront
- added dying animation to Battle, prior the game just switched to the deathscreen
- there's is now a basemenet scene added to the house, with the doctor being visible, now is the fisrt time the doctor is visible in game
- added sounds when opening and closing a book
- added two simple ui sounds to the many ui_elements, the sound will most likely just be temporary
- the protagonist now makes comments instead of simple error messages when something wrong happens
- simple startscreen, with the main art in the background from where you can start the game, exit it, look at the tutorial, read the credits or later change a few settings
- there is now a merchant passing by your house every second day in the morning where you can buy items
- added a tutorial with various texts on almost every aspect of the game to help players, will be expanded and changed in the future
- enemy now fades out after winning battle, to signal it's passing
- added a transition form the expedition to the battles, this make the feel way cooler in my humble opinion
- 13 new orders, for more diversity and stopping of getting the same orders
- Changed position and look of the return button on the expeditons menu since it automatically pressed when centered.
- You can now only throw bottles on after another during battles
- the line in the battle that went from the player to the enemy is now gone -> looked bad and served no purpose
- the protagonist will now wake up inside of his bed instead of outside the house.
- Optimized filesize: 210MB -> 70MB, achieved this by compressing soundfiles, doing a lossy import with varying quality depending on the texture, removing all unused texture and using one or two mastersheets for characters instead of various smaller ones. I was really surprised when a project with this many textures fit in such a small amount of space.
- The angles of the 8-Player direction sprites got more optimized, so it looks more natural.
- the notes now do have a filter applied to the text which makes it way more easy to read
- fixed the sound of the pin on the house scene being there and not being there sometimes, this was done by generally changing the whole way sounds and effects are played ingame
- instead of error messages the protagonist make small comments to things happening which makes it look way more natural
- the UI-Font now is properly size meaning the texts can be read way more easily
- the UI font for many Labels got changed, since the older one wasn't really that easy to read
- the last special herbs "Violet Water" is temporarly removed because it does'nt fit in the inventory. This is because I set the inventory during brewing like this that only a specific amount of items could be shown. The special herbs were one too many in that regard.
- the UI during expeditions is now changed and fits now more in the style of the other UIs in the game
With this update I fixed many critical things, especially regarding the expeditions and battles.
- fixed the player clipping over ruins on expedition 1
- fixed a bug where you could go out on expeditions even though you were too exhausted
- fixed an issue where the materials menu in battles would be extremely dark, since they're weren't set on a different layer
- fixed an issue where the time would always be displayed as AM on game restart. This was caused because when first loading up the game I used a different function from the main set function and this one didn't differentiate between AM and PM
- the enemies now flip their sprite correctly and don't scale out of nowhere when runningt after you. The scaling problems where cause because the breathing animation all of them have was done thinking every enemy was having the scale 1/1, this means as soon as the breathing started the scale of the enemy changed, which looked very weird.
- added missing collision to one tree in expedition 1
- fixed an issue of the player looking the wrong way or being at the wrong position when kneeling during a move on the battle grid
- enemies now get correctly deleted after a battle
- enemies won't be always the same worm after starting another battle during the same expedition
- there is now a max and minimum brightness value for the world environment, meaning there won't be the issue of it getting excessively dark or bright.
- fixed a bug where some textures, would show wrong pixels of sort, where it should just be transparent, I didn't really fix this with any trick I just clipped all the textures so that there wasn't any margin for thse pixels to exist.
- the dakrness or brightness from the environment wont affect the death scene anymore.
- the camera gets now set correctly to the protagonist when finishing a battle
- fixed an issue where the wouldn't be displayed anything inside the pot if you're brewing a second potion
- fixed an issue where an order wouldn't be displayed and cause a crash
- added a missing check for brightness changes during sleep. This caused the game to become too bright or dark after sleeping
- fixed a bug of the bite attack being displayed in the wrong place but still hitting the protagonist
- fixed a bug where the game would crash after finishing one or more fights going back to the home and then going again back to an expeditition
- fixed an error of the taxes button not showing when leaving and going back into the game while the taxes are due
- fixed an error of the introduction letter being shown instead of the tax notice
- the money label gets now set correctly after sepnding money
- made the processes form the camer to physics processes which help with micro stutters coming from them
- fixed a bug with the steps system that caused a massive amount or orphan node -> a mermory leak
- reduced memory leak to a very very few amount of leaks, the rest will be fixed as soon as possible.
Get Delirium
Cover up the murder of the doctor who killed your mother
More posts
- PreAlpha 2.1Dec 05, 2021
- PreAlpha 2.0Nov 22, 2021
- Pre-alpha 1.1 - polishingNov 07, 2021
- Hotfixes 04.11.21Nov 04, 2021
- Minor Day One HotfixesNov 01, 2021
- Delirium Alpha 0.1 releaseNov 01, 2021
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